Treatment in the 21st Century

Demonstration of Human Energy Balancing by Dr Rene Naccachian. Dr Pithura ,
Dr Rene Naccachian examined Dr Pithura according to the ACMOS protocol. It was found that central energy axis had shifted. Lechers Antenna was used for harmonization with the herb pill and lavender oil was used to neautralise geopathic aggression, Homeopathic pill (Sil 9 Cr) used for patient and fobs was used to stimulate 41 GB as component of Tacmo.
At the end of energy balancing, Dr Pithura was re-examined to check for centralization of energy axis and it was found satisfactory. At the end of session Dr Rene invited questions. Few interesting questions were:

1) Comparison of dowsing method and use of Lecher Antenna-
Dr Rene said Lecher Antenna works on theory of resonance, as incorporated by Scientist- Earnest Lecher. Lecher Antenna is calibrated in such a manner that it detects different energy at different wavelengths precisely. Dowsing is a crude method.

2) Does ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) play important role in ACMOS method! ESP is the perception developed by or gifted to an individual and it gives an extra edge in analyzing any kind of diagnosis or treating modality.

3) Once the energy balancing or centralization is done, how long balance remains?
It all depends on various factors such as in what environment the individual is living. In environment with heavy aggression of different kind, the bioenergy then – results in early disbalance.

4) Reproducibility of results!
Details of different cases have been stored in database and can be retrieved for documentation.

5) Acceptance by different statuary bodies worldwide!
FAO & FSA – USA have already accepted the details of the procedure and very soon would place ACMOS Method in list of approved alternative therapy.

Lecher Antenna

Only 22 delegates were registered for the workshop. Dr Rene Naccachian in first session introduced Lecher Antenna and delegates were taught to hold the antenna correctly and perceive the movements of antenna. Different levels of ACMOS protocol utilized for detecting and balancing geopathic and environmental stress was discussed and demonstrated.
Interestingly, the venue of the workshop had one negative energy line passing through it and was found to be a real aggression affecting various delegates in the hall. Demonstration of neutralizing the effect of this line with the help of Lecher Antenna and essential oil was given.
The delegates interested in placement of mirror to neutralize the effect of environmental – stress, were astonished to see the correct placement, shape and size of mirror with the help of Antenna.
Neutralization of aggression due to EMF generated by mobile phone was done with help of essential oil and the ill effect of mobile phone was demonstrated.
In the second session, the use of Lecher Antenna according to different ACMOS protocol was demonstrated.
In the third session Mrs Yashoda, a lady in mid thirties, who had chronic problem of backache and neck pain along with irregular complaint of swelling over both feet and hand, was examined in accordance to the detailed ACMOS protocol. Her energy balance was restored and centralized with the help of essential oil, homeopathic pills and energy stimulation with FPS. Stairs in central portion of her house was established to be the reason for this ailment with Lecher Antenna, without visiting her house. With help of Acmogram of a delegate in his early forties, it was demonstrated that there was some virtual aggression at his site of residence and how it can be neutralised. Diagrams of Hindu Gods and Goddesses were also as effective as Acmogram, once they were energized.